Format:  Digital Media 

What:  Short Videos 

Course(s): English 290: World Literatures (and other courses)

Who: Faculty, Alan Michael Parker

Description: The one-minute selfie project asks students to script a video and film themselves on their cell phones (alternatively, they might use an actor) responding to an idea from the class that they found compelling. Some of the ideas included the ethical conundrum of translating poetry, reading Otherness in texts from around the world, and how a queer person engages a heteronormative love story. The results were projected together in Wall in a grid, with effects designed by Daniel Lynds. Prizes from the Dollar Store were awarded in various categories: best script, best production values, funniest, etc. . . although, since it’s Davidson, everyone got a prize.

More information on the assignment: Professor Parker has assigned this project 3 or 4 times so far. 

Link to example:

student selfie videos collage
Collage of students selfie videos