Zoom is appropriate for short videos that don’t need editing. Using Zoom’s cloud recording and screen sharing features, you can create video lessons that show your slide presentation or other materials from your computer screen.  To make the recordings more accessible by adding an audio transcript, see the Knowledge Base article here.

Potential Applications:

  • Brief videos to introduce or highlight key topics.
  • Recording snippets to elaborate a topic that students can reference throughout the semester.
  • Respond to student questions, provide clarifying remarks or elaborate a point without dedicating class time.
  • General announcements that you would like to broadcast without taking up class time.
  • An alternative method to deliver information to students on a short time frame/turnaround.

Tip and Tricks:

  • Zoom does not have the ability to edit out mistakes, which means short (i.e., five to eight minute) videos, which you can re-record, work best. Generally, the more you practice and adhere to a script, the less you will have to edit later.
  • The video quality may be of a lesser quality than recording with other tools, and keeping track of your Zoom cloud recordings can be difficult if you are creating a lot of videos.
  • Zoom cloud storage should not be considered a permanent archive. If you need to keep your videos beyond this semester, you need to download them and upload them to another streaming service.