What is TimelineJS?

TimelineJS is an open-source storytelling web tool, developed by Knightlab, that empowers anyone to build visually rich, interactive timelines using nothing more than a Google Sheet.

Potential Learning Goals and Outcomes

  • Digital scholarship writ large (physical vs. digital environment)
  • Writing for the web/questions of audience and community
  • Visual Design
  • Accessibility
  • Intellectual property and Image Use (Copyright and Creative Commons)
  • Digital Publication/Digital Identity
  • Basic understanding of storytelling


Timeline of The Yowl, part of a student project from ENG 422.

“Women in Computing” from Knightlab (TimelineJS developers)

Possible Assignment

Students (alone or in a group) are tasked with creating a timeline that engages the reader with images, videos, and text about a topic related to the course material writ large, or within a specific unit/module of the course. They are to engage with scholarly resources, oral histories, and reference material as they create their timeline. Each timeline should have no more than 20 slides/dates, per the developer’s recommendation.

  • Students can begin with an outline of their timeline with dates and related information using Google Docs or they can jump right into the Google Sheets template.
  • This can be done individually or as a group. Since Google Sheets is collaborative, it’s great for small groups.
  • Each slide has a date, title, description, and media (image, video, or audio).
  • Aside from filling out the Google Sheets and plugging it in at Knighlab’s website, finding media will be the other main task.

Recommended Sessions

1 Session Example

  • 1 (50+ mins) in-class instruction with the following elements:
    • Basics of writing for the web
    • Overview of TimelineJS site and template
    • Finding and using digital media under a creative commons license
    • Accessibility (alt-text, color contrast, and user experience)
  • Consultation appointments with Media Consultants/Digital Learning team might include the following
    • Text and color styling with HTML
    • Accessibility audit
    • Enriching timelines with different media types

2 Session Example

  • First in-class instruction may include a few items from this list:
    • Introduction to storytelling with digital media
    • Basics of writing for the web
    • Introduction to metadata in relation to storytelling
    • Finding and using digital media under a creative commons license
    • Accessibility (alt-text, color contrast, and user experience)
  • Second in-class may include may include a few items from this list:
    • Overview of TimelineJS site and template
    • Workshop timelines with media and text
    • Accessibility check with WAVE web tool
  • Consultation appointments with Media Consultants/Digital Learning team might include the following
    • Text and color styling with HTML
    • Accessibility audit
    • Enriching timelines with different media types

Recommended Assessment

Example Assessment Criterion/Category

  • Appearance, Navigation, and Accessibility 
  • Demonstration of Learning 
  • Reflection on Learning 
  • Presentation
  • Design

Related Readings
