Loom is a video recording tool that helps you get your message across through instantly shareable videos. With Loom, you can record your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously. Your video is then instantly available to share through Loom’s patented technology. (support.loom.com) All videos can be protected with a password. 

Potential Applications:

  • Record your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously to create lecture videos for asynchronous learning. Once you are finished creating your video, you can embed the video on your Moodle course page. 
  • Record a short introduction video to greet students in your online class.
  • Create short videos throughout the week to update students on a certain topic or assignment then embed the video on your Moodle course page.   
  • Create videos for specific students. For example, you may want to use Loom to provide a student with feedback on a specific project or assignment. You can share these links with the students individually by sending them links. 

Tips and Tricks:
