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Zoom gives users two options to record meetings. The recording can be automatically exported as an .mp4 file which can be shared on online platforms, or the recordings can be saved to the Zoom Cloud, found at davidson.zoom.us. Zoom Cloud can also automatically caption videos. For classes where some students meet synchronously and some asynchronously, these features can be used to share class discussions and lectures with asynchronous students. Screen recording can also be used to archive lectures, class discussions, and presentations. Screen recordings will take some time to convert once a meeting has ended.
How to Record a Meeting
- To record a meeting, begin recording a Zoom room by clicking the “Record” button on the bottom toolbar, or press Shift + Command + R on the keyboard.
- To pause a recording session, click the “Pause” option, or press Shift + Command + P. It will appear on the left side of the “Record” button once it has started recording.
- To end a recording session, click the “Stop” option to the right of the “Pause” button, or press Shift + Command + R on the keyboard. The “Stop” option will appear once the recording has started.
Choosing Cloud Recording
If you would prefer to record to the Cloud, you can do so by activating Cloud Recording in your Zoom Settings.
- Open the Davidson Zoom web portal, and click Login. Sign in with single sign-on if required.
- In the left-hand column, click Settings.
- From the selections across the top of the new window, click the Recording tab.
- First, make sure Local recording is toggled off. This will prevent your meeting participants from recording their own copies of the meeting. Having the sole copy of each class meeting will give you greater control over the distribution and disposition of your intellectual property.
- Next, verify that Cloud Recording is toggled on. With it switched on, you’ll see a subset of preferences that apply only to cloud recording. Most of these can be left at the default setting, but you should click to enable Audio transcript, which will automatically produce a text copy of each recording and maximize the accessibility of your material.
- Enable the setting for Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings. This will require your class participants to sign in before accessing class recordings. (Note: This setting does not restrict access to only students enrolled in your class…anyone with a valid Davidson login and your Share URL will be able to view the recording.
- Require password to access your cloud recordings gives you the ability to further restrict access to your recordings. If you elect to enable this setting, Zoom will assign a random password to each recording. This can be edited (see Manage Your Zoom Cloud Recordings), or removed later (but a password cannot be added to a recording made without one.
Intellectual Property Information
Faculty Intellectual Property: Intellectual property rights are not transferred as a result of using Zoom. Thus, professors retain ownership rights to their intellectual property using Zoom. Professors are subject to Davidson College’s Intellectual Property Policy. Professors may notify students through Moodle that they may not share class recordings or transcripts outside of their classes. Faculty members who have concerns about protecting their unpublished scholarship may decide not to include that information in the class recording.
Zoom’s Copyright Provision: Zoom’s copyright provision contained in its Terms of Service reads: COPYRIGHT. You may not post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way copyrighted material, trademarks, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. Zoom may deny access to the Services to any User who is alleged to infringe another party’s copyright. Without limiting the foregoing, if You believe that Your copyright has been infringed, please notify Zoom as specified here.
Zoom’s Acceptable Use Policy also prohibits end users from using the Zoom service to “[v]iolate or infringe any intellectual property or proprietary rights of others, including copyrights.”
For general information about copyright and how it affects your teaching, research, and learning at Davidson, visit the Copyright Research Guide. You may also visit the Copyright Guide for information on using copyrighted materials in your teaching materials.
Tips and Tricks
- If allowed through the host’s Zoom settings, participants can record the class or breakout rooms.
- To watermark your meeting, see this Knowledge Base article. If a recording is shared without your consent, the watermark can tell you which participant made the recording.