What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open source content management system that allows you to  build websites and publish content online.

Possible Learning Goals and Outcomes

  • WordPress enables learning goals on these topics:
    • Craft digital identity
    • Create an online presence
    • Use UX design / web design / basic design principles that are accessible
    • Utilize open access and sharing of knowledge / intellectual property
    • Create digital scholarship/writing for the web 
    • Identify audience and community
    • Incorporate peer and instructor feedback
    • Utilize open source software
  • Outcomes:
    • Every person installs WP on a public domain of their choice
    • Person chooses a Theme that is WAVE compliant
    • Person gives attribution when necessary to all content on the site
    • Create posts and pages that attempt to engage and inform appropriate audiences through the selection and critical choices of content, style, and engagement methods
    • Consideration and use JS Tools, Canva and other open source software while creating sites

Possible Assignment

This assignment is suitable for a course of 5-25 students. Each website will include the following:

  • Home page/ Welcome page
  • About page
    • Audience defined
    • Purpose define
    • Contributors identified
  • Navigation menu
  • Minimum of three pages 
  • Minimum of one plug in
  • Multimedia including text, audio, videos, images 
  • Proper attributions and citations
  • Thoughtfully selected theme, colors and fonts
  • Creative commons license selected
  1. First Session:
    1. Setup+ Ownership/ IP/ Authorship, Accessibility, Captions, Alt-Text + What happens to project when they leave
    2. Present Basic Training slidedeck to students 
    3. Between Session Work
      1. DL TouchPoint
      2. Feedback Process- Students use a pre-selected method to discuss their progress and work.
      3. Media Consultant assigned to class
      4. Promote media consultant office hours
  1. Second Session:
    1. Check In + Adding Content (Text and Multimedia) + Where to find + Permissions Writing for the Web + 
    2. Between Session Work:
      1. Hypothes.is; Peer Feedback and Time to incorporate feedback
      2. Students will be divided into groups
      3. DL TouchPoint
      4. Instructor TouchPoint
  2. Third Session:
    1. Accessibility/ Web compliant
    2. Make Website Public
    3. 360 Review
    4. Assessment

Each website will be assessed based on the following four assessment criteria: 

Appearance, Navigation and Accessibility 

Your website must demonstrate clear navigation and connection between the content and learning outcomes. Your website must be accessible for its intended audience and show a demonstrated use of font, color, theme selection that align with overall presentation.

Demonstration of Learning 

Your website must include appropriate materials and artifacts that support the knowledge and skills you have acquired throughout the course. 

Reflection on Learning 

Your website must include documentation of reflection. You should show an ability to build upon knowledge and improve performance by incorporating peer and instructor feedback and recognizing knowledge gained by concrete experience through reflection and application. You should describe how you utilized reflection (i.e. that you thought deeply about what produced your learning and what actions generated that growth). 


Your website should include all required course-directed elements, address all four assessment criteria, and its presentation must be clear and well-organized.
